Here you can find details about the book "Vibrant Energy: QIT and Craniosacral Vitality," including guided meditations and creative commons materials for general use.

ISBN-10: 3758328829
ISBN-13: 9783758328824
188 pages
18.50 EUR incl. VAT
Available in bookstores as a paperback and e-book, or directly from the publisher.
ISBN-13: 9783758328824
188 pages
18.50 EUR incl. VAT
Available in bookstores as a paperback and e-book, or directly from the publisher.
In this book, which begins with a solid scientific foundation, fascinating insights from biology and the craniosacral method are utilized to enable profound spiritual and biodynamic transformation. The initial focus is on organelles, the tiny cell structures that control our life energy. Through a holistic examination of these organelles, readers will learn how to increase their own energy and activate their self-healing abilities. Simultaneously, attention is directed towards the personal soul plan, facilitating a deeper connection to one's life purpose. The book opens up a new dimension of understanding the body, mind, and soul, inviting readers on a journey of inner transformation where scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom uniquely converge.
This is a book of spiritual development for a time of transformation, built on scientific foundations but then largely following its own intuitive paths. In addition to methods of transformation involving the soul plan and intuitive approaches to life, it includes an introduction to working with organelles for the biodynamic craniosacral method. Regardless of the content, it also provides an introduction to the biodynamic craniosacral method by Kathrin Kleindorfer.
This is a book of spiritual development for a time of transformation, built on scientific foundations but then largely following its own intuitive paths. In addition to methods of transformation involving the soul plan and intuitive approaches to life, it includes an introduction to working with organelles for the biodynamic craniosacral method. Regardless of the content, it also provides an introduction to the biodynamic craniosacral method by Kathrin Kleindorfer.
Guided meditations accompanying the book (German only).
Here are meditations recorded for the book. You can listen to them as a supplement, even if you haven't purchased the book. They are likely to be more comprehensible, with a more detailed explanation of their background. But in any case, enjoy.
Qi-inspired guided meditation - ER-journey (short form)
Qi-inspired guided meditation - doube-flowered lotus ("die gefüllte Blüte")
Qi-inspired guided meditation - Phase IV (short form)
Qi-inspired guided meditation - Phase V (short form)
Qi-inspired guided meditation - Phase V (integrated form)
In some of the recordings, I use background music by Liborio Conti. I'd like to express my gratitude to him for his fantastic work.